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Welcome | Registration | Program | Seminars/meetings | Council Meeting | Contact | NSR-overview |
The definitions of the terms used in these By-Laws are as follows:
The MD secretary should send to the members of NSR-OC the following documents
Every MD should have a complete NSR material including
District Governor elects should receive the following documents from his/her MD secretary:
MD offices shall give information to the participants in accordance to tasks shown in the NSR calendar. See table 1 in Appendix 1.
The timetable of NSR matters is on the table 1 in Appendix 1.
When organizing a NSR meeting, the following guidelines should be respected/taken into account:
The Lions clubs/MD which have been given the right to arrange the NSR weekend carry the responsibility for all practical matters during the event.
The Council of Governors of the host country has the economic responsibility for the NSR meeting and its arrangements. A preliminary plan should be presented to CC Board meeting in January one year before the NSR meeting. The final plan must be accepted in the CC Board meeting in November.
The CC Board has the responsibility of the matters during NSR Meeting. Main responsibility has the CC from the host country. The chairperson of the organizing committee should send a tentative program to the NSR-OC before the Board meeting during the Europa Forum. NSR-OC should send the proposed program to the CC Board Meeting before Europa Forum after having discussed and developed the contents.
Host country should decide the theme of the year. The theme should be presented to the NSR-OC at the beginning of November before the NSR meeting. The NSR-OC prepares its comments to the CC Board.
The theme should be presented by a Lions or non-Lions speaker.
Possible expenses of speakers can be paid from the NSR's budget if approved by the CC Board.
The theme of the year should relate to something that Lions do or has an affect to the Lions in the future.
The group discussions should lead to a joint statement or recommendation to MDs or clubs by the NSR Council Meeting.
See Appendix 2, chapter 4.
The model agenda of a NSR Council meeting is presented in the Appendix 1 table 7
The language in a NSR Council meeting is English. The language in all other NSR meetings, seminars and workshops shall be decided by the chairpersons and the participants.
Guidelines for the opening and closing ceremonies are presented in Appendix 1, table 6.
The NSR-OC consists of 5 Lions, one from each Nordic country. The representative shall be appointed or elected in each member MD and should be a Lions leader with strong NSR experience.
The representative shall be appointed or elected for a period of 5 years. Appointment/election follows a principle of rotation where one member of the NSR-OC must be replaced or reappointed/reelected every year.
The representative from the host country of the annual NSR meeting is always the chairperson of the NSR-OC. The representative from the country hosting next year NSR meeting is always the secretary of the NSR-OC.
The NSR-OC has every year one ordinary meeting in connection with the annual NSR Meeting. Other meetings should be held as teleconferences or by e-post.
The members of the NSR-OC are encouraged to participate in the Council of Governors meetings in their MD, especially in the first half of the fiscal year.
The chairperson of the NSR-OC participates as the secretary in the annual NSR CC Board meeting in November/December in order to prepare the coming NSR Meeting.
The NSR-OC is a service and advisory committee for the NSR CC Board in order to secure the continuity in the NSR cooperation. NSR-OC shall be used as a focal point/resource centre in NSR matters.
Together with the host committee, the NSR-OC shall prepare the program for the annual NSR meeting and the agenda of the NSR Council meeting. The final proposals must be approved by the NSR CC Board.
The agenda of the NSR Council meeting must reflect the NSR Constitution and By-Laws and other NSR rules.
Together with the NSR CC Board, the NSR-OC shall prepare all accounts and budgets for NSR and NSR activities at International Conventions. NSR-OC shall present accounts and budgets in the NSR Council meeting for approval.
The NSR-OC shall see to the future development of NSR in order to make the annual NSR Meetings active, interesting and relevant for Lion leaders and members. All proposals shall be presented to the NSR CC Board for final acceptance. Approval must be taken on a NSR Council Meeting.
NSR-OC budget is a part of the total NSR budget.
The budget covers NSR-OC member participation in the annual NSR meeting. The budget also covers the NSR-OC Chairperson’s participation in the NSR CC Board meeting in November/December.
Each MD covers the expenses to the CC Board Meetings for their own CC. However, travel expenses to the CC Board Meeting in November are covered by NSR. Other expenses in this meeting are covered by each MD.
Throughout the year, the NSR-OC shall serve as an advisory and working committee for the chairperson and the CC Board.
Expenses for coordinator and his/her maintenance during the International Convention shall be covered by the NSR budget. The expenses are for two persons in each Convention. See table 4 in Appendix 1.
Coordinator´s main assignment is to organize and lead all common activities of the Nordic countries during the Lions Clubs International Convention.
In addition he/she
Expenses from an ad-hoc committee appointed by the CC Board or NSR Council should be covered by the NSR administrative budget and be specified separately in the budget and/or final accounts.
From this budget, the following expenses are covered:
The NSR administrative expenses are covered by the five Nordic countries according to the number of members (LCI figures) on June 30 each year.
The IRD committee consists of the International Relations Directors (IRD) of the Multiple Districts (MD) of the NSR countries.
The planning period for the NSR project should normally be 2 years.
The project should be finished within 2 years. If the project runs for more than 2 years the responsibility remains with the country running the project with no responsibility for the other NSR countries.
The NSR part of the expenses for the NSR IR project is covered by the five countries as follows:
MD 101 Sweden 24 %, MD 104 Norway 23 %, MD 106 Denmark 17 %, MD 107 Finland 32 % and MD 109 Iceland 4 %. The NSR part of the expenses per year is calculated as follows: Total number of members as per June 30 multiplied by an amount per member decided by the NSR Council Meeting (see Appendix 2).
The role of IRD committee and IRD Chairperson is presented in paragraph 1 and 2 in Appendix 2.
Work plan is presented in paragraph 3 in Appendix 2.