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Time GMT | Scand | Finl | Events Saturday January 22nd |
9:00 - 9:30
Opening Ceremony |
9:30 - 12:00
GMA Seminar and Group Discussion This session will be divided into two parts: First, you will have (there will be) some basic information about GMA. This information will also focus on how GAT can work in harmony with the GMA process. District 101 V is now working as a pilot District for GMA. They will be present to inform you about the process so far, challenges and successes. Secondly, we want this seminar to be interactive. Therefore, the second half will give you time for discussion, questions and answers. Main Speaker: Hilde Straumsheim, Swedish presenter is Jan Därnemyr A Short Break will be halfway through |
12:00-12:45 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Break |
12:45-15:00 | 13:45 | 14:45 | NSR Council Meeting - Discussions |
Time GMT | Scand | Finl | Events Sunday January 23rd |
9:00-9:50 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Report from our International Directors Bent Jespersen, ID Mats Granath, ID |
9:50-10:20 |
10:50 |
11:50 |
Keynote Speaker on Climate Change and Human Rights Halldór Þorgeirsson, Chair of the Icelandic Climate Council. Halldór has been involved in the global response to the threat of climate change in various capacities including as science advisor, climate negotiator for Iceland, chair of international negotiating bodies culminating in his role of senior director at the UN Climate Change Secretariat in the lead up and through the transformative Climate Change Conference in Paris in 2015. He is known for his skill in aligning climate protection with other societal objectives such as sustainable and inclusive development, health and societal wellbeing and is committed to the mobilization of climate action by all actors at all levels through informed and deliberate optimism. |
Iceland forestry and climate change Þröstur Eysteinsson, Director, Icelandic Forest Service: Iceland was practically treeless in the early 20th century. Our only native forest-forming tree species was the crooked and usually low-growing downy birch. Native birchwoods were protected beginning around 1900 and we began regularly planting trees for afforestation around 1950. Since then, we have planted a total of roughly 50,000 ha (0.5% of Iceland) and birch forests and woodlands have spread to about 150,000 ha. Therefore, just about 2% of Iceland has forest or woodland cover, one of the lowest in the world in terms of land area. |
11:00-11:30 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Break |
11:30-12:30 |
12:30 |
13:30 |
LCIF for success Lions Clubs International Foundation. Successful projects - successful fundraising. Exciting stories. Past International President Guðrún Yngvadóttir will talk about some successful LCIF projects that have been carried out in Africa, among other places. Representatives from the Nordic countries will talk about successful fundraisers during pandemics. Past International Director Robert Rettby will talk about the Campaign 100 and what needs to be done to ensure that the goal is achieved. |
12:30-13:15 |
14:30 |
Lionism in a virtual world – opportunities and challenges During the pandemic many Lions have had few opportunities to meet in person, take part in activities or even have fundraisers. Lion’s training has moved to the virtual world and other changes have had to be made. In this seminar we will discuss experiences of Lions in the virtual world and point to solutions and changes that can be applied to meetings, fundraising and other activities of Lions.Main Speakers: Halldór Kristjánsson and Antti Forsell |
13:15-14:00 |
14:15 |
15:15 |
Clean Rivers Dirt, garbage, and pollution threatens the life in the big rivers are the main source for pollution in the oceans. Past Council Chair Björn Zarbell, will tell us about “How can Lions serve”. |
14:00-14:15 | 15:00 | 16:00 | Break |
Remote Clinic in the Westman Islands We introduce a real project showing the opportunities in telemedicine. At the health clinic in the Vestman Islands they can make optical measurements, measure eye pressure, take pictures of the eye bottom and measure the field of vision. The results are sent to an ophthalmologist in Reykjavik for evaluation. Speakers: Þór Steinarsson, PCC, Ólafur Már Björnsson and Kristinn Hanneson, PCC. |
How can we (better) serve? Panel discussion The effects of Covid have had a great impact on how we as Lions serve. What have we learned and how can we go forward to keep our members engaged? Panelists: Bent Jespersen, Björg Bára Halldórsdóttir, Finn Bangsgård, Lill Alver, Sanna Mustonen and Tapani Rahko. |
15:30-16:00 | 16:30 | 17:30 | NSR Council Meeting - Decisions (Voting instructions) |
16:00-16:15 | 17:00 | 18:00 | Closing Ceremony |